LNF - Education (2007-2013) Dr. D. Di Gioacchino In the framework of the 'Meetings on Physics' of LNF, since 2007 in the LAMPS Laboratory are planned three days devoted to theoretical lessons/practices on the Superconductivity. The activity is part of training courses in physics recognized by the Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research, and addressed to High School italian teachers. Moreover, in the 'Summer Stages' context, in the laboratory are done daily lectures/practices lessons dedicated to students of of High School fourth year. Stages have a duration of 10 days. During the course are presented outline of Electromagnetism, Magnetism in the matter and Superconductivity with practical cryogenics tests, thermometry, ac magnetic susceptibility measurement of a superconductor and Meissner effect. The stage provides a final oral presentation of the student group. |